Friday, August 10, 2007


1. No food or drink is permitted in the library.

2. Students entering the library should bring with them only those materials and articles necessary for their research and study. Bags and other belongings must be deposited in the place provided for.

3. Silence must be observed in the library. Eating, sleeping, talking and any other act of misconduct inside the library are prohibited. Any student caught for the first time violating the rule would be given a written warning. Three warnings would constitute a suspension of library privileges.

4. Acts of vandalism such as tearing of pages, writing on the pages of books, etc would automatically constitute suspension of library privileges and be subject to proper disciplinary action. The student will be asked to replace property damaged.

5. Students going to the library during class time must have the authorization from the teacher.

6. The following are lending rules:

a. The student must present his library card upon borrowing a book. This library card should be left with the library in-charge.

b. Primary students may sign out books overnight from the class teacher, but must return them on time.

c. Preschool parents may barrow for their children books for one week.

d. A fine of B$0.50 will be imposed on over due books for the first day and an additional B$0.50 for succeeding days.

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